Faculty Publications & Grants

Publications Grants & ֱ


Note: Student co-authors are listed in dark bold.


Arneklev, B. J. (2023). Self-Control and Curiosity: Has Curiosity Been an Overlooked Concept in the Crime/Deviance Decision-Making Process?, Deviant Behavior.

Barsky, A. E., & Spadola, C. (2023). Licensing investigations: Suggestions from social workers who received sanctions. Social Work Research.

Barsky, A. E., (2023). Ethics and technology in emergency situations. In G. Kirwan & A. L. Peláez (Eds.), Routledge handbook of digital social work.

Hargrove, E. M., Stults, B. J., Hay, C., & Meldrum, R. C. (2023). Sleep duration as a mediator of the effects of risk factors for substance use. Journal of Criminal Justice, 88, 102102.

Kevorkian, Salpi S., Meldrum, R. C., Rivero Fuentes, Maria E., and Tom Hare. (2023). “Street code values among youth in the ‘Northern Triangle’ of Central America: Do they predict delinquency, substance use, and bullying perpetration?” International Criminology.

Lehmann, P. S., & Meldrum, R. C. (2023). Disparities in Youth Arrest Across Racial and Ethnic Subgroups. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice.

Martorella, G., Miao, H., Wang, D., Park, L., Mathis, K., Park, J., Sheffler, J., Granville, L., Teixeira, A. L., Schulz, P., & Ahn, H. (2023). Feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of home-based transcranial direct current stimulation on pain in older adults with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias: A randomized sham-controlled pilot clinical trial. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12(2), 401.

Skinner-Osei, P. (2023). The impact of COVID-19 on justice-involved African Americans. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation.


Ahlin, E.M., Mitchell, O., and Atkin-Plunk, C. A. (Eds.) 2022. Handbook on Inequalities in Sentencing and Corrections among Marginalized Populations.

Suragarn, U., Hain, D., Barsky, A., Pfaff, G., Wuddhipreecha, N., Chatcheydang, J., & Songprakun, W. (2022). Living arrangements, healthy aging, and personal well-being among older Thai adults: An exploratory study. Journal of Aging and Human Social Change, 13(1), 1-15.

Barsky, A. E., & Spadola, C. (2022). “Don’t shame me; Walk with me:” The impact of sanctions for social work licensing violations. Advances in Social Work, 21(4), 1300-1315.

Cain, C. M., & Sample, L. L. (2022). Public Opinions on Applying Adult Sex Offender Legislation to Minors Convicted of Sex Crimes. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 33(3), 235–255.

Ellison, J. M., Cain, C. M. & Jaegers, L. A. (2022). Just another day’s work: The nexus between workplace experiences and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in jail settings. Journal of Criminal Justice, 81, 101903.

Cain, C. M., & Ellison, J. M. (2022). Identifying individuals at risk of suicide and self-harm in jail. Corrections: Policy, Practice & Research.

Ellison, J. M., Cain, C. M., Baker, B., & Paige, B. (2022). The dangers of short-term confinement: Indicators of safety risks among jail inmates. International Journal of Offender Therapy & Comparative Criminology.

Cain, C. M. (2022). Commercial sexual exploitation victims treated as offenders: Examining the gendered risk factors of incarcerated youth charged with prostitution. Victims & Offenders: Special issue on “Reforming the Criminal Justice Response to Human Trafficking Victims and Offenders” J.A. Reid & B. Fox (Eds.).

Colvin, M. L. & Howard, H. (2022). Hard to succeed: A call for social change from mothers in the child welfare system with substance use. Children & Youth Services Review, 140, 106574.

Meskin, L. & Colvin, M. L. (2022). Body Image: A scoping review of the social work literature. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment.

Ramanathan, C., Colvin, M. L., Luna, N., & Herzog, J. (2022). Globalisation and Social Work Curricula: What Are Our Students Telling Us. International Journal of Community and Social Development.

Cooley, M., & Krysik, J. (2022). Foster caregiving and child outcomes in relative and non-relative foster families. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, 39, 539–544

Stahnke, B., Cooley, M. E., & Blackstone, A. (2022). “I’ve lived my life to the fullest:” Life satisfaction among childfree older women. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 34(3-4), 296-312.

Mihalec-Adkins, B. P., Day, E., Cooley, M. E., & Thompson, H. M. (2022). The emotional toll of juggling families: Adolescents’ simultaneous relationships with biological parents and foster caregivers. Child & Adolescent Social Work, 39, 561-571.

Garrison, S. T., Gillen, M., & Cooley, M. E. (2022). Caregivers’ perspectives of the Florida Guardianship Assistance ֱ and its impact on the children in their care. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, 39(5), 641-650.

Boshers, E. B., Cooley, M. E., & Stahnke, B. (2022). Examining no-show rates in a community health centre in the United States. Journal of Health & Social Care, 30(5), e2041-e2049.

Stahnke, B., & Cooley, M. E. (2022). End-of-life case study: The use of narrative therapy on a holocaust survivor with lifelong depression. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 52(3), 191-198.

Mihalec-Adkins, B.P., Day, E., Cooley, M., Thompson, H. The Emotional Toll of Juggling Families: Adolescents’ Simultaneous Relationships with Biological Parents and Foster Caregivers. Child Adolesc Soc Work J 39, 561–571 (2022).

Garrison, S.T., Gillen, M. & Cooley, M. Caregivers’ Perspectives of the Florida Guardianship Assistance ֱ and Its Impact on the Children in Their Care. Child Adolesc Soc Work J 39, 641–650 (2022).

Thompson, H. M., Colvin, Marianna L., Cooley, M. E., & Womack, B. (2022). Factors predicting service referrals for youth in the child welfare system. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 39(3), 261-277.

Dario, L. M., Cesar, G. T., & Crichlow, V. J. (2022). Reappreciating the varieties of police behavior: a national examination of contemporary police mission statements. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 45(6), 893-907.

Dario, L. M., & Crichlow, V. C. (2022). Emergent dimensions of community-oriented policing. Crime & Delinquency, 68(3), 409-438.

Porterfield, S., Quinn, L., Stoddard-Dare, P., DeRigne, L., Tedor, M. Collins, C. (2022) Net Worth of Adults Approaching Retirement Age: Personal Health, Presence of a Chronically Ill or Disabled Household Member, and Out of Home Caregiving Caregivers Approaching Retirement Age. Accepted Social Work and Society

DeRigne, L., Porterfield, S., Quinn, L., Tedor, M., Stoddard-Dare, P., Bai, R., Collins, C. (2022). Caregiving, health status and total family net worth among men and women approaching retirement age. Community, Work, & Family

Dobrin, A. and Wolf, R. (2022). Volunteer Police: Often overlooked, but an important part of understanding policing. Translational Criminology.24-27.

Fallik, S., Gardner, S., Remillard, A., Venuto, T., Atkin-Plunk, C., & Dobrin, A. (2022). Defining hate: A content analysis of state hate crime legislation in the United States of America. Victims & Offenders.

Fallik, S., Stone, E., Victory, D., Markevitch, T., Salvo, R., Mallalieu, A. (2022). Revenge porn: A critical content analysis of the Nation’s laws and reflection upon social science research. Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law, & Society, 23(1), 1-22.

Spadola, C.S., Groton, D.B., Littlewood, K., Hilditch, C.J., Burke, S.L., & Bertisch, S.M. (2022) Sleep health education to promote public health: Attitudes and desired learning goals among social work ֱ. Journal of Social Work in Public Health, 38 (1)

Hinduja, S. & Patchin, J. W. (2022). Bullying and Cyberbullying Offending: The Influence of Six Parenting Dimensions Among US Youth. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 31, 1454-1473.

Hinduja, S. & Patchin, J. W. (2022). Bias-Based Cyberbullying Among Early Adolescents: Associations with Cognitive and Affective Empathy. Journal of Early Adolescence.

Patchin, J. W., Hinduja, S. Cyberbullying among asian american youth before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of School Health. (2022).

Patchin, J. W., Hinduja, S. and Meldrum, R.C. (2022), Digital self-harm and suicidality among adolescents. Child and Adolescent Mental Health.

Kravetz ZJ, Prakash N, Lahiri S, Kunzelman J, McConnell N, Fernander, & Howard, H. (2022). A Case Study on the Impact of COVID -19 and Social Capital on the Delivery of Medication - Assisted Peer Support. Journal of Addiction & Prevention, 10(1), 1-6.

Jacobs, R.J., Caballero, J, & Kane, M. N. (2022). Medical Students’ Confidence in Their Abilities and Barriers to Conducting Research: A Mixed Methods Study. Cureus, 2022,

Jacobs, R. J, Kane, M. N., & Caballero, J. (2022). Predictors of Medical Students’ Perceptions About Medical Cannabis. Cureus.

Jacobs, R. J., & Kane, M. N. (2022). Exploratory Factor Analysis of Medical Students’ Perceptions of Medical Cannabis Scale. Cureus.

Jacobs, R. J., Colon, J., & Kane, M. N. (2022). Medical ֱ’ attitudes, knowledge and beliefs about medical cannabis: A qualitative descriptive study. Cureus 14(8): e28336. .

Skinner-Osei, P., & Mercedes, D. (2022). Collateral consequences: The impact of incarceration on African American fathers and sons. Journal of Forensic Social Work. 7(1) 1-13

Feldmeyer, B., Cullen, F. T., Sun, D., Kulig, T. C., Chouhy, C., & Zidar, M. (2022). The community determinants of death: comparing the macro-level predictors of overdose, homicide, and suicide deaths, 2000 to 2015. Socius, 8, 23780231221100392.

Feldmeyer, B., Sun, D., Harris, C. T., & Cullen, F. T. (2022). More immigrants, less deaths: An analysis of immigration effects on county-level overdose deaths, 2000-2015. Criminology, 60(4), 667–699.

Sun, D., Graham, A., Feldmeyer, B., Cullen, F. T., & Kulig, T. C. (2022). Public opinion about America’s opioid crisis: Severity, sources, and solutions in context. Deviant Behavior, 44(4).

Sun, D., & Feldmeyer, B. (2022). Racial invariance or Asian advantage: Comparing the macro-level predictors of violence across Asian, White, and Black populations. Race and Social Problems, 14(2), 114-130.

Jesilow, P., Burton, B., & Sun, D. (2022). Healthcare fraud. In Oxford Bibliographies in Criminology, Ed. Beth M. Huebner. New York: Oxford University Press.

Rothe, D. L., Arneklev, B. J., & Kauzlarich, D. (2022). $ over Ethics: Higher Education and the Private Prison Industry, a Symptom of the Theology of Neoliberalism. Critical Criminology: An International Journal 30(3), 557-574.

Rothe, D. L., Kauzlarich, D., & Arneklev, Bruce J. (2022). Guest Editors’ Introduction. A Specter Haunting Higher Education: The Neoliberal takeover and beyond. Critical Criminology: An International Journal 30(3), 473-477.

Park, J., Galvin, J., & Levine, H. (2022). Factor structure of pre-loss grief-12 in caregivers of
people living with dementia. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions.

Hung, L., Levine, H., Randhawa, P., & Park, J. (2022). Technology-based group exercise
interventions for people living with dementia: A scoping review.

Abel, K., Wiese, L., Park, J., & Williams, I. (in press). Perceptions about Discrimination in a
Rural, Older, Racially and Ethnically Diverse Cohort. Online Journal of Rural Nursing
and Healthcare: The official journal of the Rural Nurses’ Organization, 22(2).

Park, J., Heilman, K. J., Sullivan, M., Surage, J., Levine, H., Hung, L., Ortega, M., Wiese, L. K., & Ahn, H. (2022). Remotely supervised home-based online chair yoga intervention for older adults with dementia: Feasibility study. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice.

Park, J., Galvin, J., & Levine, H. (2022). Factor structure of Pre-Loss Grief-12 in caregivers of people living with dementia. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions, 8(1), e12322.

Park, J., Hung, L., Randhawa, P., Surage, J., Sullivan, M., Levine, H., & Ortega, M. (2022). “Now I can bend and meet people virtually in my home”: The experience of a remotely supervised online chair yoga intervention among older adults with dementia. International Journal of Older People Nursing.

Abel, K., Wiese, L., Park, J., & Williams, I. (2022). Perceptions about discrimination in a rural, older, racially and ethnically diverse cohort. Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Healthcare: The Official Journal of the Rural Nurses Organization. Health Care, 22(2), 3-28.

Hung, L., Levine, H., Randhawa, P., & Park, J. (2022). Technology-based group exercise interventions for people living with dementia: A scoping review protocol. BMJ Open, 12(3), e055990.

Barsky, A. E. (2022, July). Ethics alive: Narrative ethics and the importance of storytelling. The New Social Worker (feature article).

Colvin, M. L. & Howard, H. (2022). Hard to succeed: A call for social change from mothers in the child welfare system with substance use. Children & Youth Services Review, 140, 106574.

Meskin, L. & Colvin, M. L. (2022). Body Image: A scoping review of the social work literature. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment.

Ramanathan, C., Colvin, M. L., Luna, N., & Herzog, J. (2022). Globalisation and Social Work Curricula: What Are Our Students Telling Us. International Journal of Community and Social Development.

Cooley, M. Foster Caregiving and Child Outcomes in relative and non-relative Foster families.Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal (2022).

Spadola, C., Groton, D. B., Littlewood, K., Hilditch C., Burke, S. & Bertisch, S. M. (2022). Sleep Health Education to Promote Public Health: Attitudes and Desired Learning Goals among Social Work Students, Social Work in Public Health.

Hinduja, S. & Patchin, J. W. (2022). Bullying and Cyberbullying Offending: The Influence of Six Parenting Dimensions Among US Youth. Journal of Child and Family Studies.

Lopez, R., Cooley, M. E., Thompson, H. M., and Newquist, J. “Parenting Behaviors and Parental Stress Among Foster Parents.” The Family Journal, (June 2022).

Park, J., Heilman, K. J., Sullivan, M., Surage, J., Levine, H., Hung, L., Ortega, M., Wiese, L.A.K., Ahn, H. Remotely supervised home-based online chair yoga intervention for older adults with dementia: Feasibility study, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice (2022).


Wu, Y., Liu, Y., Cao, X., Ying, Z., Park, J., Feng, Q., Umeda, M., Liu, Z., & Liao, J. (2021).
Burden of caregivers who care for oldest-old parents with disability: A cross-sectional
study. Geriatric Nursing, 42, 792-798.

Suchting, R., Teixeira, A. L., Ahn, B., Colpo, G. D., Park, J., & Ahn, H. (2021). Changes in
brain-derived neurotrophic factor from active and sham transcranial direct current
stimulation in older adults with knee osteoarthritis. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 37(12),

Douds, A. S., Ahlin, E. M., Atkin-Plunk, C. A., & Posteraro, M. (2021). Noble intent is not enough to run vet court mentoring programs: A qualitative study of mentors’ role orientation and responsibilities. Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice and Criminology, 10(2).

Atkin-Plunk, C. A., Armstrong, G. S., & Dalbir, N. (2021). Veteran treatment court client perceptions of procedural justice and recidivism. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 32(5), 501-522.

Barsky, A. E., Carnahan, B., & Spadola, C. (2021). Licensing complaints: Experiences of social workers in investigation processes. Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, 18(2), 29-42.

Cain, Calli M. (2021). Examining the effects of prior victimization on delinquency type among justice-involved youth. Victims & Offenders, 16(6), 771-795.

Colvin, M., Thompson, H. M., & Cooley, M. E. (2021). The ‘cost’ of collaborating and other challenges in inter-organizational child welfare practice: A mixed-methods analysis. Journal of Public Child Welfare. 15(5), 617-651.

Meskin, Leslie, Colvin, Marianna L., & Hart, Laura (2021). A pilot trail of Confident Body, Confident Child in the United States. Families in Society, 102(2), 194-211.

Cooley, M. E., Thompson, H. M., Wojciak, A. S., & Mihalec-Adkins, B. (2021). Parental monitoring by foster parents, youth behaviors, and the youth-foster parent relationship. Child & Family Social Work. Advance online publication.

Collins, C., Brown, P., Rice, H., Bronson, C., Cherney, E., Farmer, C., & DeRigne, L. (2021). Experiences of Black Women During Pregnancy: The Meaning of Perinatal Support. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 92(5), 589-597.

Branscum, C. & Fallik, S. W. (2021). A content analysis on state human trafficking statutes: how does the legal system acknowledge survivors in the United States (US)?. Crime, Law and Social Change, 76, 253–275 (2021).

Branscum, C., Fallik, S. W., Garcia, K., Eason, B., & Gursahaney, K. (2021). Stalking State Statutes: A Critical Content Analysis and Reflection on Social Science Research. Women & Criminal Justice, 31(4), 261-282.

Groton, D. & Spadola, C. (2021). “I ain’t getting enough rest”: A Qualitative Exploration of Sleep among Women Experiencing Homelessness. Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness.

Groton, D. B. & Radey, M. (2021). “I’ve been through it”: Assessing barriers to employment among unaccompanied women experiencing homelessness. Social Work Research, 45(2), 88-100.

Guastaferro, K. M., Osborne, M. C., Lai, B. S., *Aubé, S., Guastaferro, W. P., & Whitaker, D. J. (2021). Parent and child reports of parenting behaviors: Agreement among a longitudinal study of drug court participants. Frontiers in Psychology.

Meldrum, R. C., Young, J., Patchin, J. W., & Hinduja, S. (2021). Bullying Victimization, Negative Emotions, and Digital Self-Harm: Testing a Theoretical Model of Indirect Effects. Deviant Behavior.

Patchin, J. W. & Hinduja, S. (2021). Cyberbullying Among Tweens in the United States: Prevalence, Impact, and Helping Behaviors. Journal of Early Adolescence. Journal Impact Factor: 2.771.

Howard, H. & Colvin, M. (2021). Women in the waves: Learning from mothers in recovery through photovoice. Child Welfare Journal, 99(1), 25-68.

Walbam, K. M. & Howard, H. (2021). Preparing ֱ for the profession: Examining power within social work. Social Work Education.

Syvertsen, J. L., Toneff, H., Howard, H., Spadola, C., Madden, D., & Clapp, J. (2021). Conceptualizing stigma in contexts of pregnancy and opioid misuse: A qualitative study with women and healthcare providers in Ohio. Drug and alcohol dependence, 222, 108677.

Jones, T., Howard, H., Freeman-Costin, K., Wisdom-Chambers, K., Creighton, A., & Underhill-Blazey, M. (2021). Knowledge and perceptions of BRCA1/2 genetic testing and needs of diverse women with a personal or family history of breast cancer in south Florida. Journal of Community Genetics.

Rogerson, C., Prescott, D., & Howard, H. (2021). Teaching social work ֱ the influence of explicit and implicit bias: Promoting ethical reflection in practice. Social Work Education.

Howard, H. & Park, J. (2021). Living in the moment: Empowered caregiving in the United States for family members living with Dementia. Journal of Women’s Health Care and Management, 2(3), 1-10.

Syvertsen, J. L., Toneff, H., Howard, H., Spadola, C., Madden, D., & Clapp, J. (2021). Conceptualizing stigma in contexts of pregnancy and opioid misuse: A qualitative study with women and healthcare providers in Ohio. Drug and Alcohol Dependence.

Groton, D. B., Linette, D., & D’Avolio, D. (2021). Impact of immersion experiences about homelessness on psychological processes of nursing ֱ: a pilot study. Journal of Nursing Education, 60(4).

Park, J. & Galvin, J. (2021). Pre-loss grief in caregivers of older adults with dementia with Lewy bodies. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.

Wu, Y., Liu, Y., Cao, X., Ying, Z., Park, J., Feng, Q., Umeda, M., Liu, Z., & Liao, J. (2021). Burden of caregivers who care for oldest-old parents with disability: A cross-sectional study. Geriatric Nursing, 42, 792-798.

Park, J. & Herron, C. (June 2021). The effects of movement-based mind-body intervention in managing symptoms in older adults with osteoarthritis: Gender, age, and living arrangement differences. Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 27(3), 111-123.

Clarke, R. D., Morris, S. L., Wagner, E. F., Spadola, C. E., Bursac, Z., Fava, N. M., & Hospital, M. (2021). Feasibility, acceptability and preliminary impact of mindfulness-based yoga among Hispanic/Latinx adolescents. Explore.

Sloas, L. B. & Larrea, M. (2021). Rethinking sanctioning for offenders with mental health issues: A balanced justice approach. American Journal of Criminal Justice.

Thompson, H. M., Colvin, M. L., Cooley, M. E., & Womack, B. (2021). Factors predicting service referrals for youth in the child welfare system. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal.

Wohlsifer, D., Suttenberg, L., & Park, J. (2021). A reflection on special challenges and amending pedagogy in clinical social work practice courses during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Clinical Social Work Journal.


Ahlin, E. M. & Atkin-Plunk, C. A. (2020). From supporting role to front stage: Shining a spotlight on the programmatic features and experiences of master’s degree programs in criminology and criminal justice. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 31(4), 563-579.

Atkin-Plunk, C. A. (2020). Should all violent offenders be treated equally? Perceptions of punishment and rehabilitation for violent offenders with varying attributes. Victims & Offenders, 15(2), 218-242.

Barsky, A. E. (2020). Sexuality- and gender-inclusive genograms: Avoiding heteronormativity and cisnormativity. Journal of Social Work Education, 56(4), 1-11.

Barsky, A. E. (2020). Reporting and other ethical obligations of automated clinical interventions. Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, 17(2), 78-84.

Johnson, D. & Barsky, A. E. (2020). Preventing gun violence in schools: Roles and perspectives of social workers. School Social Work Journal, 44(2), 26-48.

Barsky, A. E. (2020). A question of justice. Internet Journal of Restorative Justice.

Cesar, G. T. & Decker, S. (2020). “CPS Sucks, but… I think I’m better off in the system:” Family, Social Support, & Arts-Based Mentorship in Child Protective Services. Children and Youth Services Review.

Walker, D. & Cesar, G. T. (2020). Examining the “Gang Penalty” in the Juvenile Justice System: A Focal Concerns Perspective. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 18(4), 315-336.

Colvin, M. L. & Miller, S. E. (2020). The role of complexity theory and network analysis for understanding child welfare service delivery systems. Child & Youth Services, 41(2), 160-183.

Colvin, M. L. & Thompson, H. M. (2020). Exploring the experiences of child welfare-focused therapeutic service providers. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 47.

Cooley, M. E., Womack, B., ϮRush, J., & Slinskey, K. (2020). Adverse childhood experiences among foster parents: Prevalence and association with resilience, coping, satisfaction as a foster parent, and intent to continue fostering. Children and Youth Services Review, 109, 104679.

Cooley, M. E., Mihalec-Adkins, B. P., & Womack, B. (2020). Relational risk and protective factors for school engagement among adolescents in foster care: Child behaviors, peer relationships, and relationship with foster parent. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 29, 148-161.

Mihalec-Adkins, B. P., & Cooley, M. E. (2020). Individual-level risk and protective factors for school engagement among adolescents in foster care: Behaviors, self-esteem, and social skills. Child & Family Social Work, 25, 256-266.

Collins, C., DeRigne, L., Bai, R., & Stoddard-Dare, P. (2020). Paid sick leave and sleep: An analysis of U.S. adult workers. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 62(8), 566-573.

DeRigne, L., Stoddard-Dare, P., Collins, C., & Bai, R. (2020). Differences between U.S. workers with asthma by paid sick leave status: An analysis of the 2018 National Health Interview Survey. Policy, Politics & Nursing Practice, 21(3), 164-173.

Collins, C. & DeRigne, L. (2020). Losing Hold of the American Dream: A Qualitative Exploration of Foreclosure’s Psychological and Physical Health Impact on Families. Journal of Family Issues, 42(4).

DeRigne, L., Stoddard-Dare, P., Collins, C., & Quinn, L. (2020). A report on the distribution of selected employment benefits of older workers. International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, 88, 23-27.

Collins, C., Sage, P., DeRigne, L., & Fischer, R. (2020). Sense of self, empowerment, and interpersonal skills among African American teens in Cleveland, Ohio. Published online 1-10-20 with the Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 37(2), 137-152.

Dobrin, A., Fallik, S. W., Mello, B. P. SWAT Unit Proactive Search Warrant Deployments: A Mixed Effects Model Exploration. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, Volume 14, Issue 3, September 2020, Pages 792–804.

Groton, D. B. & Spadola, C. E. (2020). Variability, visuals, and interaction: online learning recommendations from social work ֱ. Social Work Education.

Groton, D. B. & Gomory, T. (2020). Emergency housing services for youth survivors of sexual exploitation: current approaches, their challenges, and future opportunities. National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Journal, 4(2), 1-21.

Groton, D. B., & (2020). “You got to eat, but what you eat is going to kill you”: Managing hypertension while experiencing homelessness. Journal of Public Health Nursing, 38, 160–166.

Guastaferro, K., Guastaferro, W. P., Brown, J. R., Holleran, D., & Whitaker, D. J. (2020). Drug court as a potential intervention point to impact the well-being of children and families of substance-using parents. Substance Use & Misuse, 55(7), 1068-1078.

Hinduja, S. & Patchin, J. W. (2020). Digital Dating Abuse Among a National Sample of U.S. Youth. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(23-24), 11088-11108.

Patchin, J. W. & Hinduja, S. (2020). It’s Time to Teach Safe Sexting. Journal of Adolescent Health, 66 (2), 140-143.

Lee, C., Patchin, J. W., Hinduja, S., Dischinger, A. (2020). Bullying and Delinquency: The Impact of Anger and Frustration. Violence and Victims, 35(4), 503-523.

Prakash N., Grunhut J., & Howard H. (2020). Is Community-engaged learning possible during a pandemic: A call for culturally competent medical education. MedEdPublish, 9(1), 264.

Howard, H., Clark, K., & Piltch, M. (2020). Support for mothers who are incarcerated: Impact of mutual aid support groups. Journal of Urban Social Work, 4(1).

Stahnke, B., Blackstone, A., & Howard, H. (2020). Lived experiences and life satisfaction of childfree women in late life. The Family Journal. 28(2), 159–167.

Park, J. (2020). Movement-based mind-body therapies for older adults with dementia and chronic pain: Perspective paper. Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 26(5), 189-192

Chen, C., Park, J., Wu, C., Xue, Q. L., Agogo, G., Han, L., Hoogendijk, E. O., Liu, Z., & Wu, Z.(2020). Cognitive frailty in relation to adverse health outcomes independent of multimorbidity: Results from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study. Aging, 12(22), 23129-23145.

Besser, L. B. Hirsch, J., Galvin, J. E., Renne, J., Park, J., Evenson, K. R., Kaufman, J. D., & Fitzpatrick, A. L. (2020). Association between neighborhood park space and cognition in older adults vary by US location: The multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis. Health and Place, 66(102459), 1-8.

Park, J., Tolea, M., Besser, L., & Galvin, J. (2020). Intention to be screened for Alzheimer’s disease in nondemented older adults: Integrated behavioral model and self-efficacy as mediation effect. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 30(6), 778-796.

Park, J., Sherman, D., Agogo, G., Hoogendijk, E., & Liu, Z. (2020). Frailty modifies the intervention effect of chair yoga on pain among older adults with lower extremity osteoarthritis: Secondary analysis of a nonpharmacological intervention trial. Experimental Gerontology, 134, 110886

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Armstrong, G. S., Atkin-Plunk, C. A., & Gartner, N. R. (2016). Perceptions of motivational interviewing: Validation of the Client Evaluation of Motivational Interviewing scale with probation clients. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 43(8), 1095-1106.

Barsky, A. E. (2016). Ethics of app-assisted family mediation. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 34(1), 31-42.

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Collins, C. & DeRigne, L. (2016). Cultural models of popularity, stress, social support and violence among African American U.S. teens living in a high poverty community. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 27(3), 215-231.

DeRigne, L. (2016). Government programs for disabled children: A practitioner’s guide to policy and programs. Florida Public Health Review, 13, 49-54.

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Horton, G., Luna, N., & Malloy, T. (2016). Exploring relationships between adult attachment, spirituality and personality disorder traits among individuals in in-patient treatment for substance use disorders. International Journal of Social Work, 3 (1), 16-41.

Sheehan, D. M., Dillon, F. R., Babino, R., Melton, J., Spadola, C., Da Silva, N., & De La Rosa, M. (2016). Recruiting and Assessing Recent Young Adult Latina Immigrants in Health Disparities Research. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development 44(4), 245-262.

Park, J., Newman, D., McCaffrey, R., Garrido, J., Riccio, M. R., & Liehr, P. (2016). The effect of chair yoga on biopsychosocial changes in English- and Spanish-speaking community-dwelling older adults with lower-extremity osteoarthritis. Journal of Gerontological Social work, 59(7-8), 604 -626.

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Armstrong, G. S., Atkin-Plunk, C. A., & Wells, J. (2015). The relationship between work-family conflict, correctional officer job stress, and job satisfaction. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 42(10), 1066-1082.

Barsky, A. E., Sherman, D., & Anderson, E. (2015). Social work educators’ perceptions of faith-based BSW programs. Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, 12(1), 77-87.

Todak, N., Cesar, G. T., & Louton, B. (2015). Forensic Reporting of TASER Exposure: An Examination of Situational and Exposure Characteristics. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 35, 4-8.

Stoddard-Dare, P., DeRigne, L., Mallett, C., & Quinn, L. (2015). Material hardship in families with children with limiting health conditions. Children and Youth Services Review, 49, 11-19.

Stoddard-Dare, P., DeRigne, L., Mallett, C., & Quinn, L. (2015). Unintentional prescription drug noncompliance for financial reasons in families with children with limiting health conditions. Social Work in Health Care, 54, 101-117.

Horton, G., Diaz, N., & Malloy, T. (2015). Exploring the relationships between spirituality and personality disorder traits among a sample of in-patients in treatment for substance use disorder. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 1-13.

Howard, H. (2015). Reducing Stigma: Lessons from opioid dependent women. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 15(4), 418–438.

Howard, H. (2015). Experiences of opioid dependent women in their prenatal and postpartum care: Implications for social workers in health care. Social Work in Health Care, 55(1), 61–85.

Luna, N., Horton, G., Newman, D., & Malloy, T. (2015). An empirical study of attachment dimensions and mood disorders in inpatient substance abuse clients: The mediating role of spirituality. Addiction Research & Theory.

Luna, N. & MacMillan, T. (2015). The relationship between spirituality, and depressive symptoms severity, psychosocial functioning impairment, and quality of life: Examining the impact of age, gender, and ethnic differences. Mental Health, Religion & Culture.

Park, J., Engstrom, G., Tappen, R., & Ouslander, J. (2015). Health-related quality of life and pain intensity among ethnically diverse community-dwelling older adults. Pain Management Nursing, 16(5), 733-742.

Park, J., Clement, R., Hooyman, N., Cavalier, K., & Ouslander, J. (2015). Factor structure of the Arthritis-Related Health Belief Instrument in ethnically diverse community-dwelling older adults with chronic pain. Journal of Community Health, 40(1), 73-81.

Spadola, C. E., Wagner, E. F., Dillon, F. R., Trepka, M. J., La Cruz‐Munoz, D., & Messiah, S. E. (2015). Alcohol and Drug Use among Postoperative Bariatric Patients: A Systematic Review of the Emerging Research and Its Implications. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 39(9), 1582-1601.

Vidot, D. C., Prado, G., Spadola, C. E., de la Cruz- Munoz, N., Cuesta, M., & Messiah, S. E. (2015). Post-Operative Marijuana Use and Disordered Eating among Bariatric Surgery Patients. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, 12(1), 171-178. DOI:

Dillon, F. R., Alessi, E. J., Craig, S. L., Ebersole, R. C., Kumar, S. M., & Spadola, C. E. (2015). Development and Evaluation of the Lesbian. Gay, and Bisexual Counseling Self-efficacy Inventory-Short Form (LGB-CSI-SF). Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 2(1), 8 95.


Barsky, A. E. (2014). Response to article on “Abused mothers’ safety concerns and court mediators’ custody recommendations.” Journal of Family Violence, 29.

Colvin, Marianna. L. (2014). The devolution of immigration enforcement policy and child welfare practice. Journal of Policy Practice, 13(1), 16-29.

Cooley, M. E., Veldorale-Brogan, A., Petren, R. E., & Mullis, A. K. (2014). Parent-child interaction therapy: A meta-analysis of child behavior outcomes and parent stress. Journal of Family Social Work, 17, 191-208.

DeRigne, L., Stoddard-Dare, P., Mallett, C., & Quinn, L. (2014) Food insecurity in families with children with limiting health conditions. Health: Interdisciplinary Journal of the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine, 6(18), 2461-2468.

DeRigne, L., Rosenwald, M., & Naranjo, F. (2014). Legislative advocacy and social work education: Models and new strategies. Journal of Policy Practice, 13, 316-327.

DeRigne, L. (2014). Teaching family policy: Macro societal trends in family life. Florida Public Health Review, 11, 25-32.

Diaz, N., Horton, E. G., & Galin, J. (2014). The effectiveness of Writing Across the Curriculum in a baccalaureate social work program: Students’ perceptions. Advances in Social Work, 15 (2), 390-408.

Diaz, N., Horton, E. G., Malloy, T., & Weiner, M. (2014). Attachment style, spirituality and depressive symptoms among individuals attending substance abuse treatment. Journal of Social Service Research.

Guastaferro, W. P., Guastaferro, K.M., & *Stuart, D. (2014). An exploratory study of grandparents raising grandchildren and the criminal justice system: A research note. Journal of Crime and Justice, 38(1), p. 137-161.

Listwan, S. J., Daigle, L. E., Hartman, J. L., & Guastaferro, W. P. (2014). Poly victimization risk in prison: The influence of individual and institutional factors. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 29(13) 2458-3481.

Koetzle, D., Listwan, S., & Guastaferro, W. P. , & *Kobus, K. (2014). Treating high risk offenders in the community: The potential of drug courts. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 59(5), p. 449-465.

Park, J., Lavin, R., & Couturier, B. (2014). Choice of nonpharmacological pain therapies by ethnically diverse older adults. Pain Management, 4(6), 389-406.

Park, J., McCaffrey, R., Newman, D., Cheung, C., & Hagen, D. (2014). The effect of Sit ‘N’ Fit Chair Yoga among community-dwelling older adults with osteoarthritis. Holistic Nursing Practice, 28(4), 247-256.

McCaffrey, R., Park, J., Newman, D., & Hagen, D. (2014). The effect of chair yoga in older adults with moderate and severe Alzheimer’s disease. Research in Gerontological Nursing, 7(4), 171-177.

Park, J., Hawkins, M., Hamlin, E., Hawkins, W., & Bamdas, J. A. (2014). Developing positive attitudes toward interprofessional collaboration among ֱ in the health care professions. Educational Gerontology, 40(12), 894-908.

Lavin, R., & Park, J. (2014). A characterization of pain in racially and ethnically diverse older adults: A review of the literature. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 33(3), 258-291.

Cheung, C., Park. J., & Wyman, J. F. (2014). Effects of yoga in older adults with chronic health conditions: A critical review. Consultant, 54(6).

Vidot, D. C., Prado, G., De La Cruz-Munoz, N., Cuesta, M., Spadola, C. E., & Messiah, S. E. (2014). Review of family-based approaches to improve postoperative outcomes among bariatric surgery patients. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, 11(2), 451-458.


Barsky, A. E. (2013). Med-Arb: Behind the closed doors of a hybrid process. Family Court Review, 52, 637-650.

Barsky, A. E., Green, D., & Ayayo, M. (2013). Hiring priorities for BSW/MSW programs in the United States: Informing doctoral programs about current needs, Journal of Social Work, 13(2), 1-21.

Atkin-Plunk, C. A. & Armstrong, G. S. (2013). Transformational leadership skills and correlates of prison warden job stress. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 40(5), 551-568.

Atkin, C. A. & Armstrong, G. S. (2013). Does the concentration of parolees in a community impact employer attitudes toward the hiring of ex-offenders? Criminal Justice Policy Review, 24(1), 71-93.

Wright, K. & Cesar, G. T. (2013). Toward a More Complete Model of Offender Reintegration: Linking the Individual-, Community-, and System-Level Components of Recidivism. Victims and Offenders, 8(4), 373-398.

Diaz, N., Molina, O., MacMillan, T., Duran, L., & Swart, E. (2013). Attitudes towards divorce and their relationship with psychosocial factors among social work college ֱ. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 54 (6), 505-518.

Groton, D. B. (2013). Are housing first programs effective? A review. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 40(1), 51-60.

Groton, D. B., Teasley, M.L., & Canfield, J.P. (2013). Working with homeless school children: Barriers to school social work practice. School Social Work Journal, 37(2), 37-51.

Guastaferro, W. P. (2013). Crime, the media, and constructions of reality: Using HBOʼs The Wireas a frame of reference. College Student Journal, 47(2), 264-270.

Patchin, J. W. & Hinduja, S. (2013). Cyberbullying among Adolescents: Implications for Empirical Research. Journal of Adolescent Health, 53(4), 431-432. Journal Impact Factor: 3.974.

Patchin, J.W., Schafer, J. A., & Hinduja, S. (2013). Cyberbullying and Sexting: Law Enforcement Perceptions. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. Reprinted in RCMP Gazette Magazine, 75 (3).

Sabella, R. A., Patchin, J. W., & Hinduja, S. (2013). Cyberbullying myths and realities. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(6), 2703-2711. Journal Impact Factor: 3.435.

Hinduja, S. & Kooi, B. (2013). Curtailing Cyber and Information Security Vulnerabilities through Situational Crime Prevention. Security Journal, 26(4):383-402. Journal Impact Factor: 0.978.

Hinduja, S. & Patchin, J. W. (2013). Social Influences on Cyberbullying Behaviors Among Middle and High School Students. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42 (5), 711-722. Journal Impact Factor: 3.284. Reprinted in Lanier, M. & Seigfried-Spellar, K. (2014). Essential Readings in Cybercrime Theory and Policy. San Diego, CA: Cognella.

Park J., Manotas, K., & Hooyman, N. (2013). Chronic pain management by ethnically and racially diverse older adults: Pharmacological and nonpharmacological pain therapies. Pain Management, 3(6), 435-454.

Park, J., Hirz, C. E., Manotas, K., & Hooyman, N. (2013). Nonpharmacological pain management by ethnically diverse older adults with chronic pain: Barriers and facilitators. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 56(6), 487-508.

Park, J., Hawkins, W., Hawkins, M., & Hamlin, E. (2013). Attitudes toward interprofessional collaboration among ֱ in the health care professions. Advances in Social Work, 14(2), 556-572.

Schiff, M. (2013). Dignity, Disparity and Desistance: Effective Restorative Justice Strategies for Closing the “School-to-Prison Pipeline.” The UCLA Civil Rights Project.

Gilbert, M., Schiff, M., & Cunliffe, R. (2013). “Teaching Restorative Justice: A Search for Restorative Pedagogy.” Contemporary Justice Review. 16(1) 43-69.


DeRigne, L., Choi, J., Barsky, A., & Albertini, V. (2012). Reaching Haitian Americans living with HIV/AIDS: Met and unmet health care needs. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services, 11(4), 388-405.

Atkin, C. A. & Cramer, R. J. (2012). Ex-offenders on the stand: Steps toward eliminating jury bias. Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, 12(3), 211-226.

DeRigne, L. (2012). The employment and financial impacts on families raising children with special health care needs. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, (4), 283-290.

Mallett, C., DeRigne, L., Quinn, L. & Stoddard-Dare, P. (2012) Discerning reported suicide attempts within a youthful offender population. Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 42(1), 67-77.

DeRigne, L., Choi, J., Barsky, A., & Albertini, V. (2012). Reaching Haitian Americans living with HIV/AIDS: Met and unmet health care needs. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services, 11, 388-405.

Diaz, N., Curnan, L., Brown, J., Wall, K., & Liehr, P. (2012). Playing games: Listening to the voice of children to tailor a mindfulness intervention. Children, Youth & Environments, 22(2), 273-285.

Diaz, N., Horton, E. G., & Weiner, M. (2012). Dysthymia, major depression, and double depression among individuals receiving substance abuse treatment. Health, 4(12), 1229-1237.

Guastaferro, W. P. & Daigle, L. E. (2012). Linking noncompliant behaviors and programmatic responses: The use of graduated sanctions in a felony level drug court. Journal of Drug Issues, 42(4), 396–419.

Guastaferro, W. P. (2012). Using the Level of Service Inventory-Revised to improve assessment in drug Court. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 56(5), 769-789.

Patchin, J. W. & Hinduja, S. (2012). School-based Efforts to Prevent Cyberbullying. Prevention Researcher, 19 (3), 7-9. Journal Impact Factor unknown.

Hinduja, S. (2012). The Heterogeneous Engineering of Music Piracy. Policy & Internet, 4 (3), 229-248. Journal Impact Factor: 2.29.

Hinduja, S. & Patchin, J. W. (2012). Cyberbullying: Neither an Epidemic Nor a Rarity. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 9 (5), 539-543. Journal Impact Factor: 1.302.

Hinduja, S. (2012). General Strain, Self-Control, and Music Piracy. International Journal of Cyber Criminology, 6 (1), 951–967. Journal Impact Factor: 1.367.

Horton, E. G., Diaz, N., Weiner, M., & Malloy, T. (2012). Adult attachment style, spirituality, and religiosity among individuals in treatment for substance use disorders. Florida Public Health Review, 9, 121-131.

Park, J., Hain, D., Tappen, R., Diaz, S., & Ouslander, J. (2012). Factors associated with 30-day hospital readmission among participants in a care transition quality improvement program. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 3(4), 308-328.

McCaffrey, R. & Park, J. (2012). The benefits of yoga for musculoskeletal disorder: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Yoga and Physical Therapy, 2(5), 1-11.

Park, J. & McCaffrey, R. (2012). Benefits of participating in chair yoga for community-dwelling older adults with osteoarthritis. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 38(5), 12-24.

Park, J. & Hughes, K. A. (2012). Nonpharmacological approaches to the management of chronic pain in older adults: A review of empirical evidence. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 60(3), 555-568.

Schiff, M. & G. Bazemore. (2012). “Whose Kids Are These?” New Options for Juvenile Justice and Education Partnerships: Restorative Justice Alternatives to the “School-To-Prison Pipeline.” A Collection of Reports to Inform the National Leadership Summit on School-Justice Partnerships. National Leadership Summit on School-Justice Partnerships: Keeping Kids in School and Out of Court. New York; New York State Permanent Commission on Justice for Children. Pp. 68-82.


Martinez, P., Barsky, A. E., & Singleton, S. (2011). Exploring queer consciousness among social workers. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 23(2), 296-315.

Barsky, A. E. (2011). Parenting coordination: The risks of a hybrid conflict resolution process. Negotiation Journal, 27(1), 7-27.

Armstrong, G. S., Armstrong, T. A., Webb, V. J., & Atkin, C. A. (2011). Can financial incentives reduce juvenile confinement levels? An evaluation of the Redeploy Illinois program. Journal of Criminal Justice, 39(2), 183-191.

Payne, B. K., Guastaferro, W. P., & Mummert, S. (2011). Attitudes about group work among criminal justice ֱ: The influence of participation in group projects. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 22(4), 546-561.

Porterfield, S. & DeRigne, L . (2011). Medical home and out-of-pocket medical costs for children with special health care needs. Pediatrics 128(5), 892-900.

DeRigne, L. (2011). Teaching social policy: Integration of current legislation, media, and on-line resources. Journal of Teaching in Social Work. 31(2), 224-231.

Diaz, N., Horton, E. G., McIlveen, J., Weiner, M., & William, L. B. (2011). Spirituality, religiosity and depressive symptoms among inpatient substance abusers. Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 30 (1), 71-87.

Diaz, N., Horton, E. G., Green, D., McIlveen, J., Weiner, M., & Mullaney, D. (2011). Relationship between spirituality and depressive symptoms among inpatient substance abusers. Counseling and Values, 56 (1), 43-56.

Weiner, M., Malloy, T., Diaz, N., & Horton, E. G. (2011). The complex relationships among addiction, depressive disorders, and spirituality. Counselor: The Magazine for Addiction Professionals, 12(1), 28-32. Hinduja, S. & Higgins, G. E. (2011). Trends and patterns among music pirates. Deviant Behavior, 32, 1–26. Journal Impact Factor: 1.052.

Horton, E. G. & Diaz, N. (2011). Learning to write and writing to learn social work concepts: Development of a writing across the curriculum course for undergraduate social work ֱ. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 31 (1), 53-64.

Horton, E. G., Diaz, N., McIlveen, J., Weiner, M., & Mullaney, D. (2011). Mental health and substance use characteristics of flight attendants enrolled in in-patient substance abuse treatment. International Journal of Mental Health & Addiction, 9.

Schiff, M., Bazemore, G., & Brown, M. (2011). “Neighborhood Accountability Boards: The Strength of Weak Practices…Or…Perils and Prospects for A “Community Building” Restorative Model.” Washington University Journal of Law and Policy. 36:17-46.

Deborah A. Raines, Peter Ricci, Susan Brown, Terry Eggenberger, Tobin Hindle, & Mara Schiff. (2011). “Cheating in Online Courses: The Student Definition.” Journal of Effective Teaching 11(1) 80-89.

Park, J., McCaffrey, R. Dunn, D., & Goodman, R. (2011). Managing osteoarthritis: Comparisons of chair yoga, Reiki, and education (Pilot Study). Holistic Nursing Practice, 25(6), 316-326.

Lavin, R., & Park, J. (2011). Depressive symptoms in community-dwelling older adults receiving opioid therapy for chronic pain. Journal of Opioid Management, 7(4), 309-319.

Park, J., Clement, R., & Lavin, R. (2011). Factor structure of pain medication questionnaire in community-dwelling older adults. Pain Practice, 11(4), 314-324.


Barsky, A. E. (2010). The virtuous social work researcher. Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, 7(1).

Barsky, A. E. (2010). The caring mediator: Essential virtue or absolute heresy. Family Mediation Quarterly, 9(1). 1-5.

DeRigne, L . (2010). What are the parent reported reasons for unmet mental health needs of children? Health and Social Work. 35(1), 7-15.

DeRigne, L . & Porterfield, S. (2010). Employment change and the role of the medical home for married and single-mother families with children with special health care needs. Social Science & Medicine, 70(4), 631-641.

Stoddard, P. & DeRigne, L . (2010). Denial in alcohol and other drug use disorders: A critique of theory. Addiction Research and Theory, 18(2), 181-193.

Liehr, P. & Diaz, N. (2010). A pilot study examining the effect of mindfulness on depression and anxiety for minority children. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 24 (1), 69-71.

Payne, B. K., Guastaferro, W. P., & Dabney, D. (2010). Alumni Research and Criminal Justice. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 21(3), 245-265.

Patchin, J. W. & Hinduja, S. (2010). Changes in Adolescent Online Social Networking Behaviors from 2006 to 2009. Computers in Human Behavior, 26, 1818–1821 Journal Impact Factor: 3.435.

Hinduja, S. & Patchin, J. W. (2010). Bullying, cyberbullying, and suicide. Archives of Suicide Research, 14 (3), 206-221. Journal Impact Factor: 1.901.

Patchin, J. W. & Hinduja, S. (2010). Trends in online social networking: Adolescent use of MySpace over time. New Media and Society. 12(2) 197–216. Journal Impact Factor: 2.524.

Hinduja, S. & Schafer, J. (2010). Cybercrime units on the world wide web. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, (2), 278-296. Journal Impact Factor: .646.

Horton, E. G., Diaz, N., McIlveen, J., Weiner, M., & Mullaney, D. (2010). Mental health and substance use characteristics of flight attendants versus other clients in residential treatment. Mental Health and Substance Use: Dual Diagnosis, 3(1), 25-37.

Park, J., & Lavin, R. (2010). Risk factors associated with opioid medication misuse in community-dwelling older adults with chronic pain. Clinical Journal of Pain, 26(8), 647-655.

Park, J., Castellanos-Brown, K., & Belcher, J. (2010). A review of observational pain scales in nonverbal elderly with cognitive impairments. Research on Social Work Practice, 20(6), 651-664.

Park, J., (2010). Chronic pain and pain management among older veterans. Florida Public Health Review, 7, 70-82.

Barsky, A. E. (2009). The legal and ethical context for knowing and using the latest child welfare research. Child Welfare, 88(2), 69-92.

DeRigne, L ., Porterfield, S., & Metz, S. (2009). The influence of health insurance on parent reported unmet mental health needs of children. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 13(2), 176-186.

Diaz, N ., Horton, E. G., McIlveen, J., Weiner, M., & Mullaney, D. (2009). Comorbidity among dysthymia, substance use, and other mental health disorders: Characteristics of flight attendants in residential substance abuse treatment in the United States. Mental Health and Substance Use: Dual Diagnosis, 2 (3), 212-225.

Diaz, N ., Horton, G., McIlveen, J., Weiner, M., & Nelson, J. (2009). Dysthymia among substance abusers: An exploratory study of individual and mental health factors. International Journal of Mental Health & Addiction, 7 (2), 357-367.

Diaz, N ., Green, D., & Horton, E. G. (2009). Predictors of depressive symptoms among inpatient substance abusers. International Journal of Mental Health & Addiction, 7 (2), 347–356.

Hinduja, S. & Ingram, J. (2009). Social Learning Theory and Music Piracy: The Differential Role of Online and Offline Peer Influences. Criminal Justice Studies, 22 (4), 407-422. Journal Impact Factor: 0.32.

Hinduja, S. (2009). Occupational Stressors and Antinormative Behavior. Security Journal, 22, 269-285. Journal Impact Factor: .978.

Payne, B.K. & Guastaferro, W. P. (2009). Mind the gap: Attitudes about Miranda warnings among police chiefs and citizens. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 24 (2).

Horton, E. G., Diaz, N., Peluso, P., McIlveen, J., Weiner, M., & Mullaney, D. (2009). Relationships between trauma, PTSD symptoms, dissociative symptoms and lifetime heroin use among substance abusers in residential treatment. Journal of Addictions and Offender Counseling, 29 (2), 81-95.

Horton, E. G., Diaz, N., Green, D. (2009). Mental health characteristics of Social Work ֱ: Implications for Social Work education. Social Work in Mental Health Journal, 7(5), 458-475.

Barsky, A. E. (2008). A conflict resolution approach to teaching ethical decision making: Bridging conflicting values. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 82(2/3), 164-169.

Diaz, N., Lizardi, H., Lianfen, Q., & Liu, Z. (2008). The relationship among child maltreatment, parental bonding, and a lifetime history of major depressive disorder in Latino college ֱ. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma, 17 (2), 175-196.

Diaz, N., Siskowski, C., & Connors, L. (2008). Latino Young Caregivers in the United States: Who are they and what are the academic implications of this role? Child & Youth Care Forum, 36 (4), 131-140.

Diaz, N., Lizardi, H., & Rivera, E. C. (2008). The relationship between parental bonding and a history of major depressive disorder in a sample of Latino college ֱ. Journal of Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority in Social Work,17 (1), 21-36.

Green, D. L. & Diaz, N. (2008). Gender differences in coping with victimization. Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention, 8, 195-203.

Hinduja, S. & Ingram, J. (2008). Self-Control and Ethical Beliefs on the Social Learning of Intellectual Property Theft. Western Criminology Review, 9 (2), 52-72. Journal Impact Factor unknown.

Kooi, B. & Hinduja, S. (2008). Teaching Security Courses Experientially. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 19 (2), 290-307. Journal Impact Factor: 0.65.

Hinduja, S. (2008). Deindividuation and Internet Software Piracy. CyberPsychology and Behavior, 11 (4), 391-398. Journal Impact Factor: 2.571.

Ingram, J. & Hinduja, S. (2008). Neutralizing Music Piracy: An Empirical Examination. Deviant Behavior, 29 (4), 334-366. Journal Impact Factor: 1.052.

Hinduja, S. & Patchin, J. W. (2008). Personal Information of Adolescents on the Internet: A Quantitative Content Analysis of MySpace. Journal of Adolescence, 31 (1), 125-146. Journal Impact Factor: 1.795.

Hinduja, S. & Patchin, J. W. (2008). Cyberbullying: An Exploratory Analysis of Factors Related to Offending and Victimization. Deviant Behavior, 29 (2), 1-29. Journal Impact Factor: 1.052.

Park, J. (2008). Older women with psychoactive medication abuse. Perspectives on Social Work, 7(1), 13-17.

Ringel, S. & Park, J. (2008). Intimate partner violence in the evangelical community: Causes, barriers, and faith-based interventions. Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work, 27(4), 341-360.

Park, J., Carlson, G., Weinstein, S., & Lee, B. (2008). The Restorative Healing Model: Implementation at the Woodbourne Center. Residential Treatment for Children and Youth, 25(3), 209-226.

Schiff, M. (2008). “Restorative Justice Decision Making for Victims and Offenders in The United States.” Juriscope. June/July, 2008.

Barsky, A. E. (2007). Mediative evaluations - The pros and perils of blending roles. Family Court Review, 45(4), 560-572. (Winner of Meyer Elkin Award for best article on family law issues, awarded by the Association of Family & Conciliation Courts).

Green, D.L. & Diaz, N. (2007). Predictors of distress in crime victims: Implications for treatment. Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention, 7 (3), 194-205.

Siskowski, C., Diaz, N., Connors, L., & Mize, N. (2007). Recognition and assessment of caregiving youth in home health and hospice care. Home Healthcare Nurse, 25 (7), 433-438.

McIlveen, J. W., Mullaney, D., Weiner, M. J., Diaz, N., & Horton, G. (2007). Dysthymia and substance abuse: A new perspective. Counselor Magazine, 8 (2), 30-34.

Hinduja, S. (2007). Workplace Violence and Negative Affective Responses: A Test Of Agnew’s General Strain Theory. Journal of Criminal Justice, 35 (6), 657-666. Journal Impact Factor: 2.339.

Hinduja, S. (2007). Neutralization Theory and Online Software Piracy: An Empirical Analysis. Ethics and Information Technology, 9 (3), 187-204. Journal Impact Factor: 1.500.

Hinduja, S. & Patchin, J. W. (2007). Offline Consequences of Online Victimization: School Violence and Delinquency. Journal of School Violence, 6 (3), 89-112. Journal Impact Factor: 2.421.

Lilley, D. & Hinduja, S. (2007). Police officer performance appraisal and overall satisfaction. Journal of Criminal Justice, 35, 137-150. Journal Impact Factor: 2.339.

Pogorzelski, W. & Brewer, T. W. (2007). Cameras in court: How television news media use courtroom footage. , 91(3), 124-134.

Draine, J., Wilson, A. B., & Pogorzelski, W. (2007). Limitations and potential in current research on services for people with mental illness in the criminal justice system. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 45(3/4), 159-177.

Barsky, A. E. & Albertini, V. L. (2006). Facilitators and barriers to care for Haitian Americans with HIV or AIDS. Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services, 5(3/4), 63-86.

Lilley, D. & Hinduja, S. (2006). Organizational Values and Police Officer Evaluation: A Content Comparison between Traditional and Community Policing Agencies. Police Quarterly, 9 (4), 486-513. Journal Impact Factor: 1.457.

Lilley, D. & Hinduja, S. (2006). Officer evaluation in the community policing context. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 29 (1), 19-37. Journal Impact Factor: .646.

Patchin, J. & Hinduja, S. (2006). Bullies Move beyond the Schoolyard: A Preliminary Look at Cyberbullying. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 4 (2), 148-169. Journal Impact Factor: 2.372.

Hinduja, S. (2006). Employee Perceptions of Prejudice and Violence in the Workplace: Implications for Corporate Security. Risk Management: An International Journal, 8 (3), 175-191. Journal Impact Factor: 0.519.

Barsky, A. E., & Wood, L. (2005). Conflict avoidance in a university context. Higher Education Research & Development, 24(3), 249-264 (Australia).

Berkman, C., Guarnaccia, P., Diaz, N., Badger, L., & Kennedy, G. (2005). Concepts of mental health and mental illness in older Hispanics. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Services, 3(1/2), 59-85.

Wolff, N. & Pogorzelski, W. (2005). Measuring the effectiveness of mental health courts: Challenges and recommendations. Psychology, Public Policy & Law, 11(4), 539-569.

Blitz, Cynthia L., Wolff, N., Pan, K., & Pogorzelski, W. (2005). Gender-specific behavioral health and community release patterns among New Jersey prison inmates: Implications for treatment and community reentry. American Journal of Public Health, 95(10), 1741-1746.

Pogorzelski, W., Wolff, N., Pan, K., & Blitz, C. (2005). Behavioral Health Problems, Ex-Offender Reentry Policies, and the ‘Second Chance Act’. American Journal of Public Health, 95(10), 1718-1724.

Barsky, A. E., & Green, D. (2004). Conflict in schools of social work: Issues, emotions and responses. Arete, 28, 82-90.

Hinduja, S. (2004). Theory and Policy in Online Privacy. Knowledge, Technology, and Policy, 17 (1), 38-58. Journal Impact Factor unknown.

Hinduja, S. (2004). Perceptions of local and state law enforcement concerning the role of computer crime investigative teams. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 27 (3), 341-357. Journal Impact Factor: .646.

Bazemore, G. & Schiff, M. (2004). “Paradigm Muddle or Paradigm Paralysis? The Wide and Narrow Roads to Restorative Justice Reform (or, a Little Confusion May Be a Good Thing).” Contemporary Justice Review. March 2004, 7(1)37-57.

Barsky, A. E. (2002, Released 2003). Structural sources of conflict in a university context. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 20(2), 161-176.

Collins, J., Hinduja, S., & Hoffman, S. (2003). Footprinting: Tracking criminals on the internet. Security Journal, 14 (4), 77-86. Journal Impact Factor: .978.

Hinduja, S. (2003). Trends and patterns among software pirates. Ethics and Information Technology, 5 (1), 49-61. Journal Impact Factor: 1.500.

Barsky, A. E. (2002). Percepcion del conflicto en las escualas de trebajo social (Perceptions of conflict in schools of social work). Revista de Trabail Social (Social Work Review), 167, 23-46.

Lewis-Fernandez, R. & Diaz, N. (2002). The cultural formulation: A method for assessing cultural factors affecting the clinical encounter. Psychiatric Quarterly, 73(4), 271-295.

Barsky, A. E. & Coleman, H. (2001). Avalucio de l’adquisicio d’habilitats en el model transteoretic: Etaps de precontemplacio i comtemplacio. [English translation of the title in Catalan: Evaluating skill acquisition using the Transtheoretical Model of Change: Precontemplation and contemplation phases]. Revista de Trabail Social (Social Work Review, Barcelona, Spain), 161, 6-26. Also reproduced in a Spanish edition of the same journal as: Barsky, A. E. & Coleman, H. (2001). Evaluacion de la adquisicon de habilidades en el modelo transteorico: Etapas de precontemplation y contemplation. Revista de Trabail Social (Social Work Review), 161, 6-26.

Geva, E., Barsky, A. E., & Westernoff, F. (2000, Released in 2001). Desenvolupament d’un marc per a un treball interprofessional amb la diversitat. [Developing a Framework for Interprofessional and Diversity Informed Practice (Translations of Chapter 1 of Interprofessional Practice with Diverse Populations into Catalan]. Revista de Trabail Social (Social Work Review), 160, 10-49. ISSN 0212-7210.

Geva, E., Barsky, A. E., & Westernoff, F. (2000, Released in 2001). Desarrollo de un marco para el trabajo interprofessional con la diversidad. [Developing a Framework for Interprofessional and Diversity Informed Practice (Translations of Chapter 1 of Interprofessional Practice with Diverse Populations into Spanish)]. Revista de Trabail Social (Social Work Review), 160, 50-79.

Barsky, A. E. (2001). Understanding family mediation from a social work perspective. Canadian Social Work Review, 18 (1), 25-45.

Barsky, A. E. & Coleman, H. (2001). Evaluating skills acquisition in motivational interviewing. Journal of Drug Education, 31(1), 69-82.

Barsky, A. E. (2000, Released in 2001). Cross-cultural issues in community mediation. Jewish Political Studies Review, Special issue on conflict resolution 12(3, 4), 83-94.

1990s and Older

Barsky, A. E. (1999). Community involvement through child protection mediation. Child Welfare, 78(4), 481-501. ISSN-0009-4021.

Este, D., Sieppert, J., & (1998, Released in 1999). Teaching and learning qualitative research, with and without qualitative data analysis software. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 31, 138-154.

Barsky, A. E. & Trocmé, N. (1998). Essential aspects of mediation in child protection cases. Child and Youth Services Review, 20, 629-656.

Schiff, M. (1998). “” Western Criminology Review 1(1): 1-22.

Barsky, A. E. (1997). Why parties agree to mediate: The case of child protection. Family and Conciliation Courts Review, 35, 164-183.

Schiff, M. (1997). “Gauging the Intensity of Intermediate Sanctions: Developing the Criminal Punishment Severity Scale” Criminal Justice Review, Vol. 22(2) 175-206.

Schiff, M. & Terry, W.C. (1997). “Predicting Graduation from Broward County's Dedicated Drug Treatment Court” Justice System Journal, 19(3) 291-310.

Barsky, A. E. (1996). Mediation and empowerment in child protection cases. Mediation Quarterly, 14(2), 111-134.

Barsky, A. E., Este, D., & Collins, D. (1996). Cultural competence in family mediation. Mediation Quarterly, 13, 167-178.

Bazemore, G. & Schiff, M. (1996). “Community Justice/Restorative Justice: Prospects for a New Social Ecology for Community Corrections” International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, Vol. 20 (3) 311-335.

Barsky, A. E. (1995). A student-centered approach to culturally diverse role play exercises. Canadian Social Work Review, 12, 175-189.

Barsky, A. E. (1995). Issues in termination due to abuse. Mediation Quarterly, 13(1), 19-35.

Belenko, S., Schiff, M., Winterfield, L., & Phillips, M. (1994). “Modeling the Prison Displacement Effects of Alternative Sanction ֱs: A Case Study” The Prison Journal, Vol 73 (2) 167-197.

Barsky, A. E. (1993). A lawyer’s guide to mediation use: An unauthorized sequel. Family and Conciliation Courts Review, 31, 376-379.

Barsky, A. E. (1993). When advocates and mediators negotiate. Negotiation Journal, 9, 115-122; 273-274.

Grants Awarded


Atkin-Plunk, C. (PI), Crichlow, V. C. (Co-PI) (2022-2025) Delray Beach Police Department Community Outreach ֱ Evaluation. Funded by Palm Beach County Criminal Justice Commission. $115,456.

This project evaluates the processes and outcomes of the Delray Beach Police Department’s Community Outreach ֱ. The objective of the Community Outreach ֱ is to connect and provide alternative diversion services to those who are dealing with mental illness, experiencing homelessness, or battling addiction. The Community Outreach Team (COT) provides daily outreach to the community, identifies individuals who face challenges in these areas, and works with them to implement strategies to improve their quality of life.

Atkin-Plunk, C. (Co-PI), Groton, D. (PI), Crichlow, V. C. (Co-PI), Fallik, S. W. (Co-PI) (2022-2024) Palm Beach County Trauma-Informed Training Evaluation. Funded by the Palm Beach County Criminal Justice Commission. $149,589.

This project evaluates the implementation and the outcome of the Palm Beach County Criminal Justice Commission's Trauma-Informed Practice initiative. The evaluation assesses the extent of county and nonprofit employees who received trauma-informed training and their readiness to implement trauma-informed practice into their agency's work. Additionally, the evaluation will assess the impact the trauma-informed practice initiative has on booking rates and on civilian perceptions of justice-involved agencies in the county.

Atkin-Plunk, C. (Co-PI), Ahlin, E. (PI), Mallinson, D. (Co-PI) Cost-Effectiveness of Veterans Treatment Courts. Funded through the Criminal Justice Research Center, Penn State. $6,326

This funding provided opportunities for the investigators to enhance their statistical capabilities and practitioner/professional network to enhance their competitiveness to pursue external funding. Veterans’ treatment courts are one of the many problem-solving courts that process criminal cases through a dedicated court docket that blends therapeutic treatment and accountability. Many problem-solving courts (e.g., drug courts) have been shown to be cost-effective. As one of the newer courts in the problem-solving court movement, the cost-effectiveness of veterans’ treatment courts is not well established.

Atkin-Plunk, C. (Co-PI), Fallik, S. W. (Co-PI) (2018-2022). Frequent User System Engagement. MacArthur Foundation and the Palm Beach County, Florida Criminal Justice Commission. $126,093.

As part of the MacArthur Foundation’s Safety and Justice Challenge, this venture seeks to identify, locate, and engage individuals who are frequent users of public services like jails, homeless shelters, hospitals, behavioral health crisis centers, and substance abuse facilities. These individuals will be offered permanent and supportive housing, provided a needs assessment, and wrap-around care to help them desist from their reliance on public services. As the research partner, Drs. Atkin-Plunk and I have provided action research support to the project and are providing a comprehensive project evaluation.

Spadola, C. (Co-PI), Groton, D. (Co-PI), Guastaferro, W. (Co-PI), Fallik, S. (Co-PI) (2022). Sleep Health Among Law Enforcement Personnel. College of Social Work and Criminal Justice. $5,000.

This project is examining sleep health and sleep practices among law enforcement personnel in order to tailor a sleep health training to meet the needs of law enforcement. The first phase of the project explores sleep strategies and officers' perceptions of their own sleep health through focus groups and semi-structured interviews. Qualitative findings will inform the development of the sleep health training, and then the training will be piloted with law enforcement in phase 2 of the project.

Cooley, M. E. (Principal Investigator), Colvin, M., & Crichlow, V. (Co-investigators). (Jan 2022-June 2022). A mixed methods evaluation of the Authentic Family Engagement and Strengthening Approach. Florida Institute for Child Welfare, Invited proposal, Contract #2021-002RE.

The overarching purpose of this mixed methods research project is to examine child welfare workers’ perceptions of: (a) the presence of systemic and racial discrimination in the child welfare system; (b) the presence of workers’ racial justice values and the impact of these values on workers’ interactions with families involved in child welfare services; and (c) the impact of racial justice and family engagement training on workers’ interactions with families involved in child welfare services. The secondary purpose of this research is to examine the perceived effectiveness of targeted racial justice and authentic family engagement training and coaching with a small group of child welfare workers in (a) promoting self-reflection and awareness of racial discrimination and systemic racism, (b) reducing racial discrimination when working with families, (c) prioritizing relationships over services when working with families impacted by the child welfare system; and (d) empowering Black families who are involved in the child welfare system.

Dario, L. (PI) & Saginor, J. (Co-PI). (2022) A pilot study on public interest technology: A SWOT analysis of virtual reality training for police. College of Engineering and Computer Science & Institute for Sensing & Embedded Network Systems Engineering, Florida Atlantic University. $25,000.

Virtual reality (VR) is rapidly diffusing as a law enforcement training tool because it simulates realistic, stress-inducing scenarios that police frequently encounter. A survey of 40 law enforcement officers from a southeastern police department examined law enforcement perceptions of VR, officer willingness to use the technology, and the physical experience of using the VR equipment. The study found that VR adoption shows promise for enhancing and reinforcing live-action training, given the minimal adverse side effects reported and overwhelming agreement that VR is easy to use. Law enforcement perceptions of using VR for training are positive and increase after using the technology. Notably, more than 86% of law enforcement officers would likely recommend VR training to other officers, and about 90% agreed that VR enhances interest in training. Fully two-thirds of officers reported an intention to use VR training in the future.

Dario, L. (PI) (2022) Virtual reality simulation training for law enforcement: Encouraging empathy, reducing use of force, and examining bias in police officer decision-making. Center for Peace, Justice, & Human Rights, Florida Atlantic University. $2,500.

This funding was used for graduate student research assistance with data collection related to the above project.

Gonzalez, M. (2022) An examination of the relationship between religious involvement and levels of acculturation, somatization, depression, and anxiety in primary health care Hispanic patients

Funding Source: College of Social Work and Criminal Justice Seed Funding ֱ

Crichlow, V. J. (Co-PI), Atkin-Plunk, C. (Co-PI), Fallik, S. (Co-PI), & Groton, D. B. (Co-PI) (2022-2024) Trauma Informed Training Evaluation

This project will conduct a process and outcome evaluation of the PBC Criminal Justice Commission’s (CJC) new Trauma-Informed Training Initiative. In collaboration with the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office (PBSO), the CJC is seeking to provide trauma-informed training to local law enforcement, court personnel, and institutional and community corrections officers. To provide the trauma-informed training, it is anticipated that Policy Research Associates will conduct multiple train-the-trainer sessions with leaders who are reflective of the target population for the training delivery. These leaders/trainers will then go on to facilitate the trauma-informed training to their colleagues. This will be a 31-month evaluation.

Groton, D. B. (Principal Investigator), (Christine Spadola, Co-Investigator, 8% summer effort), Guastaferro, W. (Co-Investigator), & Fallik, S. (Co-Investigator) College of Social Work & Criminal Justice Seed Funding (July, 2022- June 30th, 2022) Sleep Health among Law Enforcement Personnel

This proposal addresses sleep disturbances and suboptimal sleep among law enforcement. The PIs propose to leverage their existing sleep training and an interdisciplinary team to tailor and pilot test the sleep health educational training for law enforcement personnel.

Howard, H., Principal Investigator, Palm Beach County, COSSAP ֱ

The Comprehensive Opioid & Stimulants Substance Abuse ֱ (COSSAP), this program evaluation aims to examine housing stability, with a criminal justice involved population, as a protective factor in achieving long-term recovery outcomes. Palm Beach County Community Services Department provides recovery housing with other recovery support services for clients with substance use disorder (SUD) in order to reduce both opioid and/or stimulant use and recidivism rates. Specific services include, but not be limited to, care coordination, peer support, housing, and other recovery supportive services. Clients served through this program have access to the Recovery Housing Voucher and Recovery Support Services Funds (FlexFunds).

Howard, H., State-Level opioid policies and policies that regulate substance use during pregnancy; a mixed-methods exploration of their effects on maternal and infant outcomes

This project aims to conduct a 50-state survey to create a database of state-level prenatal opioid policies and then to examine the longitudinal effects of these, and general state opioid policies, on opioid outcomes in pregnant women and newborns; we will also test for effect modification by age and race/ethnicity. We will then categorize each state’s opioid policy climate (using both general and prenatal-specific policies) and examine the effects on the same opioid use outcomes as Aim 1. Lastly, we will conduct interviews with key informants and pregnant women who use opioids to explore policy implementation and enforcement across states with varying policy climates, and the mechanisms through which these policies influence pregnant women’s lives). Heather Howard consultant with qualitative research aim.

Howard, H., co-investigator; Research Award for the MMJ Clinical Outcomes Research Grants ֱ, UF

Mixed-methods study: Acceptance of and Access to MMJ among Providers and Patients in Florida Nursing Homes I was responsible for the qualitative interview guide, training medical ֱ to interview and qualitative methods, analysis of the data and writing the findings.

Park, J. (PI). (2022-2023) Seed Grant Florida Atlantic University College of Social Work and Criminal Justice (2022-2023). Assessing the Feasibility of a Qigong Intervention in Veterans With Chronic Low Back Pain.

We are measuring the feasibility of a randomized controlled trial of a qigong intervention for chronic low back pain in veterans in terms of recruitment, screening, random assignment, adherence, attrition, treatment fidelity, biomarker assessments, pain-related measures (low back pain and disability), physical function, and psychosocial measures (sleep, posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, social activity) to provide pilot data for the external grant.

Park, J., & Wiese, L (Multiple PIs). (2022-2023) Florida Atlantic University Institute forHuman and Disease Intervention (2022-2023). Testing a Digital Learning and Online Chair Yoga Intervention Among Rural Underserved Older Adults at Risk for Cognitive Decline. Role: Multiple PI

We are currently assessing the feasibility of offering an online chair yoga intervention to rural underserved older adults. We partnered with ֱ from Glades Central High School, who trained rural older residents in computer use and skills. Through a randomized control pilot test, we are measuring levels of chronic pain, cognitive function, mobility, social isolation, loneliness, and computer proficiency in older adults at risk for cognitive decline.


Cooley, M. E. (PI), Thompson, H. M. (Co-I), Colvin, M. L. (Co-I), Howard, H. (Co-I). (2021-2022). A Mixed Methods Examination of Comfort Call Implementation in South Florida. Sponsor: Florida Institute for Child Welfare, Affiliate Award for Translational Research.

The purpose of this mixed methods research proposal is to examine the initial effectiveness and implementation of comfort calls in the Southeast region of Florida, as reported by birth parents, foster parent/kin/fictive kin caregivers, and child welfare professionals.

Howard, H. (PI). (2021-2022). Empowerment model for pregnant and early parenting women. Sponsor: Scaife Family Foundation.

This project entails the dissemination of a specialized program for Recovery Peer Support Specialist (RPSS) supporting pregnant and parenting women with substance use. The training will be a certified training for RPSS engaged in this work.

Spadola, C. E., Krause-Parello, C., Pratt, B. (Multiple PIs). (2021). Assessment of biopsychosocial indicators linked to canine intervention treatment response in veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms. Sponsor: Stiles-Nicholson Brain Institute 2021 Pilot Grant, Florida Atlantic University.

Spadola, C. E., & Krause-Parello, C. (Multiple PIs). (2021). Veterans and their dogs: A nationwide survey examining dog functional types, human-dog relationships, mental health, wellness, and sleep outcomes. Sponsor: Institute for Human Health and Disease Intervention, Florida Atlantic University.

Colvin, M. L. (Co-PI), Cooley, M. E. (Co-PI), Thompson, H. M. (Co-I), Howard, H. (Co-I) & Significant Contributors: Carr, J. and McClellan, J. (2021-2022). A Platform for Social Action: Engaging and Supporting the Voice of Youth in Foster Care Receiving Independent Living Services. Sponsor: Florida Institute for Child Welfare.

This project applies a participatory action research design utilizing photovoice methodology to explore the experiences and perceptions of youth in foster care receiving independent living services. The research questions place emphasis on understanding youths’ (1) self-advocacy, (2) self-determination, and (3) connectedness to others. Participants are provided tools, a process, and a platform for communicating their experiences and are empowered as active co-researchers in identifying, analyzing, and telling their collective stories with documentary photography.

Fallik, S. (PI). (2021-2023). Law Enforcement-Based Victim Specialist ֱ. Sponsor: Office for Victims of Crime and Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office.

This Office for Victims of Crime grant seeks to develop a trauma informed, victim centered advocacy collaborative to assist investigations in the Violent Crimes Division (VCD) of the Palm Beach County Sherriff’s Office (PBSO). In doing so, PBSO will hire two fulltime Victim Advocates to provide immediate advocacy and victim services to cases arising in the VCD. Advocates will also collaborate with community partners to meet the individualized needs of victims, avoid service duplication, maximize community resources, and promote project sustainability. As the research partner, I provide project evaluation and action research support for the project.

Guastaferro, W. P. (PI) & Crichlow, V. J. (Co-I). (2021-2022). ֱ evaluation of the New York City Citizens Crime Commission Disruption and Early Engagement ֱ (DEEP). Sponsor: U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Science & Technology Directorate.

Howard, H. (PI) & Guastaferro, W. P. (Co-I). (2021-2022). Comprehensive Opioid Stimulant and Substance Abuse ֱ (COSSAP). Sponsor: Palm Beach County Community Services Department and Board of Commissioners.

For purposes of the ComprehensiveOpioid & Stimulants Substance Abuseֱ (COSSAP), this program evaluation aims to examine housing stability, with a criminal justice involved population, as a protective factor in achieving long-term recovery outcomes. Palm Beach County Community Services Department will provide recovery housing with other recovery support services for clients with Substance Use Disorder (SUD) in order to reduce both opioid and/or stimulant use and recidivism rates. Specific services will include, but not be limited to, care coordination, peer support, housing, and other recovery supportive services. Clients served through this program will have access to the Recovery Housing Voucher and Recovery Support Services Funds (FlexFunds).


Fallik, S. W. (PI), Atkin-Plunk, C. A. (Co-PI), & Crichlow, V. J. (Co-PI). (2020-2023). Palm Beach County’s Crime Gun Intelligence Center Integration Strategy. Sponsor: Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office.

This project seeks to establish a Crime Gun Intelligence Center in PBC that will develop new intelligence, technology, and community engagement to identify crime guns, their sources, and prosecute perpetrators. A critical aspect of this grant is to enhance the utility of forensic evidence by reducing PBC Crime Laboratory turnaround times. This, the evidence shows, will increase the likelihood of cases being investigated, referred for prosecution, and adjudicated.

Howard, H. (PI). (2020-2021). Peer recovery peer support services for pregnant and early parenting women. Sponsor: Scaife Family Foundation.

The project entailed the development of the empowerment model with women and children to reach their full potential and the support of women to break the intergenerational cycle of substance use. The empowerment model addressed the barriers that mothers with substance use experience and promoted the health and wellbeing of their children.

Howard, H. (co-PI) & Guastaferro, W. P. (co-PI) (2020-2022). U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Comprehensive Opioid Abuse ֱ.

This project entails a FAU Subcontract with multi-agency Palm Beach county programs between Courts, State Attorney, Public Defender’s Office, Jail, Department of Children and Families, and the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners to measure the impact of recovery peer support services and housing stability with recovery and recidivism reduction.

Spadola, C.E. (PI). (2020). Advance IT: Mentoring Grant. Sponsor: National Science Foundation.


Atkin-Plunk, C. A. (PI). (2019-2023). Palm Beach County’s Second Chance Act Comprehensive Community-Based Adult Reentry ֱ. Sponsor: The Lord’s Place.

The Palm Beach County’s Comprehensive Community-Based Adult Reentry program seeks to provide reentry services to 300 moderate-to-high risk individuals who are returning to Palm Beach County, while also enhancing reentry services by 1) increasing collaboration with targeted Florida Department of Corrections facilities, and 2) expanding and implementing new evidence-based interventions to improve outcomes among moderate-to-high risk returning residents, including the Circles of Support and Accountability model (CoSA), cognitive behavioral programming, and peer support. The Lord’s Place partnered with Dr. Atkin-Plunk to conduct a process and outcome evaluation of the enhanced reentry programs, whereby she is implementing a rigorous randomized-controlled trial (RCT) to isolate the effects of the CoSA program on recidivism.

Atkin-Plunk, C. A. (PI) & Crichlow, V. J. (Co-PI). (2019-2021). Palm Beach County School and Community Violence Prevention Task Force Evaluation. Sponsor: Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office.

The PBC School and Community Violence Prevention project seeks to increase public safety by addressing school and community mass violence. This is being done by enhancing collaboration among criminal justice and behavioral health treatment systems and by increasing access to behavioral health services for individuals who are at risk of committing future acts of violence. The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office partnered with Drs. Atkin-Plunk and Crichlow to conduct a process and outcome evaluation to examine the effectiveness of the PBC School and Community Violence Prevention project.

Atkin-Plunk, C. A. (PI). (2019). Recidivism Data Validation Study. Sponsor: The GEO Group, Inc.

This project sought to examine the recidivism rates for individuals released over a four-year period from one private correctional facility in Florida. The GEO Group, Inc. partnered with Dr. Atkin-Plunk to conduct the validation study.

Luck, G., Ferris, A., & Howard, H. (co-investigator). (2019-2020). Opioid epidemic response: Engage, educate, and empower. Sponsor: Department of Children and Families: Florida’s State Opioid Response Project.

This project entailed a Medical School Curriculum Development and Implementation of integrating substance use disorder prevention, screening, assessment, and intervention education throughout the curriculum and residency programs.

Whitaker, D.J. (Co-PI) & Guastaferro, W. P. (Co-PI). (2019-2024). Improving outcomes of Georgia’s children and families affected by addiction: Strengthening the partnership between the Division of Family & Children Services and Family Treatment Courts. Sponsor: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children’s Bureau, Grant No. 90CU0108-01-00.


Atkin-Plunk, Cassandra (PI) & Fallik, Seth (Co-PI). (2018-2021). Frequent User System Engagement. Sponsor: MacArthur Foundation and Palm Beach County Criminal Justice Commission.

As part of the MacArthur Foundation’s Safety and Justice Challenge, this venture seeks to identify, locate, and engage individuals who are frequent users of public services like jails, homeless shelters, hospitals, behavioral health crisis centers, and substance abuse facilities. These individuals will be offered permanent and supportive housing, provided a needs assessment, and wrap-around care to help them desist from their reliance on public services. As the research partner, Drs. Atkin-Plunk and I have provided action research support to the project and are providing a comprehensive project evaluation.

Atkin-Plunk, C. A. (PI). (2018-2021). Palm Beach County Regional and State Transitional Offender Reentry (RESTORE) Initiative Evaluation. Sponsor: Palm Beach County Department of Public Safety and Justice Services.

This program seeks to provide transitional jobs (TJ) in tandem with evidence-based cognitive behavioral interventions to 120 moderate- to high-risk Palm Beach County (FL) returning citizens with low employability. The primary goals of the PBC TJ program are to reduce recidivism and increase long-term employment. The PBC Public Safety Department partnered with Dr. Atkin-Plunk to conduct a process and outcome evaluation of the PBC TJ program, whereby she implemented a rigorous randomized-controlled trial (RCT) in order to isolate the effects of the transitional employment and CBI on recidivism and long-term employment.

Wuebben, D. & Cain, C. M . (2017-2018). “Literacy by Degrees: Evaluation of University of Nebraska at Omaha’s Postsecondary Prison Education Project.” Sponsor: University of Nebraska at Omaha, College of Public Affairs and Community Service – Urban Research Award.

The University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) Post-Secondary Correctional Education ֱ was created in 2017 through fundraising by Steven and Thomas Scott and with the support of the University of Nebraska Foundation. A partnership was formed between UNO and the Omaha Correctional Center (OCC), a medium-minimum security men’s prison within the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS). The primary purpose of this program is to offer college-level courses, taught by UNO professors, to inmates at OCC. This report is a process evaluation of the policies and guidelines that have been established during the first year of the program, as well as an assessment of the fall and spring courses. .

Colvin, M. L. (PI), Thompson, H. M. (Co-PI), & Cooley, M. E. (Co-PI). (2018). Pilot Implementation of a Child Welfare and behavioral health needs-based curriculum.Sponsor: Florida Institute for Child Welfare

The purpose of this grant was the first stage to develop and conduct a pilot evaluation of two competency-based trainings for child welfare case managers and therapeutic service providers in the state of Florida to (a) improve mandated parent and child engagement in services and (b) strengthen coordination and collaborative capacity among frontline child welfare professionals.

Luna, N. (PI). Development and Implementation of Integrated Behavioral Health Care into Community Health Clinic. Sponsor: Quantum Foundation

Spadola, C. E. (PI) & Groton, D. (Co-PI). (2018). Empowering Social Work Students to Promote Sleep Health among Under-served Populations.Sponsor: American Academy of Sleep Medicine, Education/Humanitarian Grant.

Spadola, C. E. (PI). (2018). Harvard Catalyst Health Disparities Enrichment Award. Sponsor: Harvard Medical School.

Spadola, C. E. (Co-PI) & Groton, D. B. (Co-PI). (2019-2021). Empowering Social Work Students to Promote Sleep Health among Underserved Populations. Sponsor: American Academy of Sleep Medicine

This project used formative research with social work ֱ to develop and pilot an online sleep health training for social work ֱ. Our overarching goal is to improve sleep health among marginalized populations who are under the care of social workers. The main aim of this project was to empower social workers, through an online educational module, with the knowledge and resources to effectively promote healthy sleep practices among their patients.


Atkin-Plunk, C. A. (PI). (2017). Continuum of Care Evaluation. Sponsor: The GEO Group, Inc.

The Continuum of Care model provides incarcerated individuals with enhanced pre-release, evidence-based programming, in addition to post-release services. The primary goal of the CoC program is to reduce recidivism. The GEO Group, Inc. partnered with Dr. Atkin-Plunk to conduct an outcome evaluation of the CoC program.

Thompson, H. M. (PI) & Colvin, M. L. (Co-PI) (2017). Child Welfare and behavioral health needs-based curriculum – Planning Grant. Sponsor: Florida Institute for Child Welfare

This project involved curriculum development for the child welfare and behavioral health workforce in Florida. The aims for this project were to: 1) identify the overall scope and clear project objectives for curriculum development, pilot implementation, and evaluation; 2) define the curriculum design and strategy to be developed and implemented; and 3) determine the structure and cost of the methodology for creating the curriculum, as well as its pilot implementation, data analysis, revision, and full evaluation.

Park, J. (PI) & Tolea, M.(Co-I) (2017-2018). Effects of Chair Yoga in Older Adults with Dementia Effects of Chair Yoga in Older Adults with Dementia. Sponsor: Florida Atlantic University, Division of Research, Institute for Healthy Aging and Lifespan Studies.

The purpose of the research project was to assess the feasibility of conducting three nonpharmacological interventions with older adults with dementia, exploring the effects of chair yoga (CY), compared to a music intervention (MI) and chair-based exercise (CBE) in this population.

Park, J. (PI) (2017-2018) Research and Inquiry Assignment for Evidence-Based Social Work Practice for Older Adults. Sponsor: Florida Atlantic University, Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry (OURI) Curriculum Grant ֱ.

The purpose of this curriculum grant was to develop an evidence-based practice assignment in the existing gerontology course (Social Work With Aging Populations, SOW 4643) that addressed ֱ’ research activities with aging populations, focusing on linkages between research and practice in class and in the internship placement.


Guastaferro, W.P. (PI). (2016-2019). Family drug court enhancement and implementation program. Sponsor: Bureau of Justice Assistance via the Baldwin County (Georgia) Board of Commissioners.

Guastaferro, W. P. (PI), Lawton, B. (Co-PI), & Coots, J. (Co-PI). (2016-2017). John Jay College’s Prison to Public Health Initiative (P2PH) Evaluation of Education Assistance Corporation’s BJA Second Chance Reentry Grant: Providing services to individuals with serious mental illness returning from prison. Sponsor: U.S. DOJ Bureau of Justice Assistance via Education & Assistance Corporation.

Guastaferro, W. P. (PI), Lawton, B. (Co-PI), & Coots, J. (Co-PI). (2016-2017). John Jay College’s Prison to Public Health Initiative (P2PH) Evaluation and technical assistance for CASES’s supervised release program. Sponsor: The New York City Mayor’s Office and the Center for Alternative Sentencing and Employment Services (CASES).

Spadola, C. E. (PI), Hospital, M., Wagner, E. (2016). Expanding Yoga to Low Income, Racial/Ethnic Minority High School Students. Sponsor: AETNA Foundation (PI transfer to Michelle Hospital, PhD due to other faculty appointment).

Thompson, H. M. (PI) & Colvin, M. L. (Co-PI) (2016). Building a needs-based-curriculum for child welfare therapists. Sponsor: Florida Institute for Child Welfare.

The primary goal of this project was to create a curriculum that will assist therapeutic service providers in delivering evidence-based therapeutic services. Specifically, child welfare therapists will feel more prepared to work with clients in addressing areas of concern to the Department of Children and Families, such as safety, permanency, and well-being.


Atkin-Plunk, C. A. (PI) & Sloas, L. B. (Co-PI). (2015-2018). Florida Department of Corrections Re-entry Center and Portal Replication Initiative. Sponsor: Florida Department of Corrections.

The Reentry Center and Portal Replication Initiative (RCPRI) program sought to provide a comprehensive model for reentry in Miami-Dade County (FL) and to reduce recidivism by 50% over a five-year period by identifying needs, providing targeted evidence-based programs, and coordinating pre- and post-release services. The Florida Department of Corrections partnered with criminal justice faculty at FAU to provide a process and outcome evaluation of the RCPRI program.


Park, J. (PI) (2014-2015): The Effect of Chair Yoga in Cognitively Impaired Older Adults With Knee or Hip Osteoarthritis. Bone and Joint Initiative. Sponsor: Young Investigator Initiative Grant Mentoring and Career Development ֱ Grant.

The purpose of this training grant was to develop a NIH grant proposal. The grant proposal was developed and submitted to NIH.


Park, J. (Co-PI), (Co-PI), (Co-I), & (Co-I) (2013-2016). Effect of Sit ‘N’ Fit Chair Yoga on Community-Dwelling Elders With Osteoarthritis. Sponsor: National Institutes of Health, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

The study population was community-dwelling older adults at two study sites in Florida who had been diagnosed with OA. Using a randomized control trial, participants were assigned to either an intervention group (Sit ‘N’ Fit Chair Yoga) or an attention control group (Health Education ֱ).

Park, J. (Co-PI) & McCaffrey, R. (Co-PI) (2013–2014). Effect of Sit ‘N’ Fit Chair Yoga on Community-Dwelling Elders With Osteoarthritis. Sponsor: FAU Seed Grant

A quasi-experimental design study was conducted to produce pilot data on the effectiveness of the Sit ‘N’ Fit Chair Yoga ֱ for older adults with osteoarthritis. Participants were assigned to an intervention group (Sit ‘N’ Fit Chair Yoga) or a control group (Health Education ֱ). Two manuscripts from this project were published in peer-reviewed journals.

Whitaker, D. J. (Co-PI) & Guastaferro, W. P. (Co-PI). (2013-2018). Enhancing safety and well-being of children of adult drug court participants. Sponsor: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children’s Bureau, Grant No. 90CU0062.


Luna, N. (Co-PI) & Caldieron, J. (2012).


Park, J. (PI) (2011–2013). Utilization of Nonpharmacological Pain Management Among Racially and Ethnically Diverse Older Adults in South Florida. Sponsor: John A. Hartford Foundation Grant.

The goal of this study is to explore ethnic group differences (African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, Afro-Caribbeans, European Americans) in management of non-cancer-related chronic pain in diverse older adults.

2010 and Older

Park, J. (PI) (2010-2011). Nonpharmacological pain management in older adults with Osteoarthritis. Sponsor: National Institute on Aging, NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Science Research, and John A. Hartford Foundation, at College of St. Scholastica, Duluth, MN. (Training/travel grant).

The purpose of this graining grant was to develop an extramural grant proposal. The proposal was submitted to John. A. Hartford Foundation and it was funded in 2011.

Schiff, M. (PI) (with L. Leip and G. Bazemore) (2010-2012). Evaluation of the Girls Advocacy Project (GAP) in Miami, Florida.

Schiff, M. (PI) (with G. Bazemore) (2009-2012). Restorative Justice in Palm Beach County Schools. Sponsor: Criminal Justice Commission of Palm Beach County.

Luna, N. (Co-PI) (2008).

Schiff, M. (PI) (with G. Bazemore) (2008). Restorative Justice as an Alternative to Zero Tolerance in South Florida Schools 6-month planning grant. Sponsor: The Collins Foundation.

Guastaferro, W. P. (PI or Co-PI) (2008-2016). Research and program evaluation, working with a number of community and government agencies. Sponsors: U.S. Dept. of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance via Cherokee County (Georgia) Board of Commissioners (Family Drug Court); DeKalb County (Georgia) District Attorney’s Office (Strategic Planning for use of JAG funding); DeKalb County (Georgia) Sheriff’s Office (Residential Substance Abuse Treatment ֱ at County Jail); Georgia Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (Strategic Intervention ֱ at Georgia’s Coastal State Prison); U.S. Dept. of Justice Bureau of Justice Assistance/Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, and the DeKalb County (Georgia) Superior Court (multiple awards working with the Drug Court, Adult Felony Level).

Luna, N. (PI) (2007). Syllabus development: Writing Across the Curriculum 400 level

Schiff, M. (Co-PI) (with G. Bazemore) (2000). Understanding Citizen Involvement in the Development of Community Capacity: An Exploratory Study. Sponsor: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Schiff, M. (PI). (with G. Bazemore) (1996 - 1999). Understanding and Evaluating Community Youth Sanctioning Models. Sponsor: The National Institute of Justice, Fall 1999. FAU Foundation International Travel Grant.

Schiff, M. (PI). (1989). National Institute of Justice Dissertation Research Fellowship Grant.