Divisional Directory
Department | Phone Number |
Activity, Service, Accounting & Budget (ASAB) | 561-297-2879 |
Assessment and Research | 561-297-1018 |
Campus Life - Broward Campuses | 954-236-1219 |
Campus Life - Northern Campuses | 561-799-8820 |
Campus Recreation | 561-297-4512 |
Career Center | 561-297-3533 |
Commuter Student Services | 561-297-4524 |
Counseling and Psychological Services | 561-297-2277 (CAPS) |
First-Generation Student Success Office | 561-297-4941 |
Fraternity and Sorority Life | 561-297-3735 |
Housing and Residential Education | 561-297-2880 |
Office of Leadership Education And Development (LEAD) | 561-297-3607 |
Military and Veterans Affairs | 561-297-4725 |
New Student Orientation | 561-297-2733 |
New Student Transition Family Engagement (NSTFE) | 561-297-2733 |
Office of the Dean of Students | 561-297-3542 |
Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs | 561-297-3988 |
Owls Care Health Promotion | 561-297-1048 |
Pre-collegiate/Youth à£à£Ö±²¥Ðãs Office | 561-297-6480 |
Student Affairs Technology | 561-297-2047 |
Shared Services (Marketing & Communications, Technology, and Finance) | 561-297-4726 |
Student Accessibility Services | 561-297-3880 |
Student Activities and Involvement (Government) | 561-297-3735 |
Student Health Services | 561-297-3512 |
Student Media | 561-297-0448 |
Student Union | 561-297-3730 |
Transfer Student Services | 561-297-0165 |
TRIO à£à£Ö±²¥Ðãs | 954-236-1318 |
Victim Services | 561-297-4841 |
Weppner Center for Civic Engagement and Service-Learning | 561-297-3735 |
Women's Resource and Community Connection | 561-297-1048 |