The Florida Atlantic Division of Public Affairs follows The Associated Press Stylebook (AP). This guide is a reference for the FAU community to ensure consistency, clarity, and accuracy among print and online publications. Its purpose is to help the university community present unified and consistent external messages.

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Use the complete name Florida Atlantic University on first reference for external audiences. FAU, Florida Atlantic, or University can be used on second reference in print or other written materials. FAU should always be used on second reference for broadcast media. University, when referring to FAU, is always capitalized.


When listing degrees – and the subject areas in which degrees have been issued – capitalize. Preference is to abbreviate the degree. The word degree should not follow a degree abbreviation.

Examples: He earned a B.S. in Biology. She received a Bachelor of Science in Biology.

Capitalize the title of degree. For example: Bachelor of Science; Master of Arts. But lowercase when generally referring to degree. For example: a bachelor’s degree or a bachelor’s.


Official name is capitalized. (Examples: College of Engineering and Computer Science; Office for Students with Disabilities). Use full name on first reference and “college” on second reference, not capitalized.


  • Use alumnus when referring to a man who has attended a school (alumni is the plural)
  • Use alumna for similar references to a woman (alumnae is the plural)
  • Alumni is used when referring to a group of men and women
  • John Smith ’75 (NOTE: closed quote mark, a.k.a. apostrophe)
  • The class of ’75 (NOTE: closed quote mark, a.k.a. apostrophe)
  • John Smith, B.A., ’75 (NOTE: closed quote mark, a.k.a. apostrophe)


  • The Breezeway is the walkway running north/south through the middle of the Boca Raton campus.
  • The Carole and Barry Kaye Performing Arts Auditorium is located in the Student Union on the Boca Raton campus.
  • FAU Arena, also “The Burrow,” is located on the Boca Raton campus.
  • The FAU/HBOI Marine Science Building is located at FAU Harbor Branch.
  • FAU Stadium (do not use “the” before the name) is located on the Boca Raton campus.
  • The Student Union, previously the University Center, is located on the Boca Raton campus.
  • The Marleen and Harold Forkas Alumni Center is located on the Boca Raton campus.
  • The Reubin O’D Askew Tower is the eastern building on the Fort Lauderdale campus and the FAU/BCC Higher Education Complex is the western building.
  • Schmidt Family Complex for Academic and Athletic Excellence.


FAU currently has six locations. Names listed in bold below are preferred in the first use. Subsequent listings offer additional acceptable uses.

FAU Boca Raton

Boca Raton campus

Florida Atlantic University at Boca Raton

FAU Dania Beach

Also known as SeaTech

Florida Atlantic University at Dania Beach

FAU Davie

Davie campus

Florida Atlantic University at Davie

FAU Fort Lauderdale

Fort Lauderdale campus

Florida Atlantic University at Fort Lauderdale

FAU Harbor Branch

Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute (HBOI)

Florida Atlantic University’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute

(site is located in Fort Pierce, Fla.)

FAU Jupiter

John D. MacArthur Campus at Jupiter

Florida Atlantic University at Jupiter

NOTES: When appropriate, “Broward campuses” or “Northern campuses” grouping may be used. The Broward campuses are FAU Dania Beach, FAU Davie and FAU Fort Lauderdale. The Northern campuses are FAU Harbor Branch and FAU Jupiter.

List in alphabetical order when listing more than one campus.

Always spell out “Fort Lauderdale” and “Fort” Pierce. Always abbreviate Port “St.” Lucie.

When using the “campus” in text, lowercase “c.” (Example: I met my wife at the Jupiter campus.)


Always use full name on the first reference. President Volnick prefers “Dr. Stacy Volnick” or “President Stacy Volnick, Ph.D.” Do not use “President Dr. Stacy Volnick.”


Use lowercase for seasons of the year, but uppercase when referring to a semester. (Example: I started classes at FAU last fall during the Fall 2007 semester.)