
interfolio Faculty Activity Reporting

(Faculty180) uses the Interfolio Data Service to compile an ongoing source of accurate and reliable faculty information.

  • Present scholars with recent data on file about their accomplishments for them to validate throughout the year.
  • Enable attachment of actual work produced, whether it’s journal articles, conference proceedings, videos, or computer science code.
  • Facilitate connection to ORCID or external profile systems.
  • Maintain any number of official CV templates to automatically present fielded data in clean, readable formats.
  • Enable scholars to establish custom CV formats that reflect their discipline and put their best foot forward.
  • Link activity data to your website’s scholar profiles.
  • Gather data for accreditation and other compliance requirements.
  • Create custom reports and easily navigate through cells to view the underlying data.
  • Save and share reports with peers inside and outside the institution.

Important Links

Need to log in?

Need Training?


Need access?

Need to add or transfer a course?

Need help with something else related to Interfolio FAR?

Assignment Instructions

Faculty180 Annual Assignment Instructions

Interfolio FAR Annual Assignment Definitions

Activity Reporting Instructions

Faculty180 Activity Reporting Instructions

Interfolio FAR Reporting Definitions

How to Calculate FTE

FAR - how to enter activities for GRAs

FAR – how to enter varied funding sources between semesters

Reporting faculty research effort for University-Department Funded Research and University-Internally Funded Pilot or Seed Award


Reporting Due Dates

Category Report Description Due Date

Faculty Activity Reporting

Activity Reports for Spring 2024

Faculty Activity Reports are opened for editing and submitting. Monday 6/3/2024

Annual Assignments

2024-2025 Annual Assignments

Due Date for Annual Assignments Monday 6/24/2024

Faculty Activity Reporting

Payroll Report

OIT will provide payroll report to Chairs/Directors Monday 7/8/2024

Faculty Activity Reporting

Activity Reports for Spring 2024

Faculty deadline to submit Activity Reports Saturday 8/31/2024

Faculty Activity Reporting

Activity Reports for Spring 2024

Chair/Director deadline to review and approve Activity Reports Friday 9/13/2024

Faculty Activity Reporting

Activity Reports for Spring 2024

Dean deadline to review and approve Activity Reports Friday 9/20/204

Faculty Activity Reporting

Activity Reports for Summer and Fall 2023, and Spring 2024

Chair/Dean deadline to make corrections on issues identified by IEA Friday 10/4/2024

Faculty Activity Reporting

Activity Reports for Summer and Fall 2023, and Spring 2024

Second round of corrections to fix issues triggered by the previous corrections Friday 10/11/2024
